Revelations from MY GURU
My observations, as questions arise WITHIN and answers are revealed. These are randomly asked questions and I note down the answers as they are revealed – sometimes revealed immediately, sometimes a while later.
I lay it all at YOUR feet Guruji, the feet that are WITHIN ME and the feet outside that I haven't yet had a chance to touch.
Om Tat Sat Brahmaarpanamastu
3. Who/which is more important, the INNER GURU or the Outer Guru?
SHE: Now, 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = ------ = 99 = 100 = 101 = 102 = ------ = 200 = 201 = ---
Before I could tell HER that these days, people don’t live that long
SHE: Perhaps humans don’t but other forms of life do. (Continues) 200 = 300 = 400 = 1000 = Infinity
Before I could ask HER what forms of life live that long
And so, I did.
“Why else, do you think?" SHE asks me back. As I contemplate further, I realize the answer. It is so
because I chose it to be this way. I threw away the knowledge, along with the language that could
not do justice to HER form - women. Adi Shankaraacharya, who so devotedly sang HER praise in
Soundarya Lahari, in His role as a sanyasin could not lead women to salvation. Just so women
don’t use the “lack of theoretical knowledge/Sanskrit” as an excuse, I threw away the theoretical
knowledge and the language of Sanskrit as proof that all that is needed is self effort and HER grace.
Salvation/liberation is indeed possible for women too. I still choose to “not access” the theoretical
knowledge/Sanskrit that lies dormant in ME. If/when the time comes, SHE will remind ME about it.
“Go on” SHE says.
The last few months, my instincts have lead me to read some of the sacred writings of Judaism, Islam
and Christianity and what a treasure house of wisdom lies in those writings. I realized that all of those
religions too talk about BRAHMAN, though in their own words. There is absolutely no difference
between Allah, Christ and BRAHMAN. It is all ONE and the same. And in this role as “Priya”,
inorder to establish the unbiased unity of all religions, English is the language that is needed.
6. BRAHMAN, why am I such a tubelight*? It is just now that I have grasped the wider
purpose of MY birth. (* Note: The term “tubelight” denotes a person who takes a while to
catch-on. Have you observed that when a tubelight is switched on, it briefly flickers and then
glows brightly? )
My observations, as questions arise WITHIN and answers are revealed. These are randomly asked questions and I note down the answers as they are revealed – sometimes revealed immediately, sometimes a while later.
I lay it all at YOUR feet Guruji, the feet that are WITHIN ME and the feet outside that I haven't yet had a chance to touch.
Om Tat Sat Brahmaarpanamastu
1. Why is Lalitha Tripura Sundari eternally 16 years old? Why 16 and not any other age/number?
When one begins Srividya Upasana, one initially prays to HER form in a temple/HER Yantra/by chanting HER mantras etc. When one's spiritual journey progresses, upon poornabishekam and with HER WILL ALONE, one receives HER Maha Sodasi Mantra and graduates-from-the-school-of-Srividya. Again, when SHE chooses to reveal HERSELF, one finds HER.....And where is SHE hiding??....Where else but safely within yourSELF. When SHE reveals HERSELF as YOU, when ONE realizes the SELF, ONE also realizes that the SELF in me = the SELF in person "X" = the SELF in person "Y" etc.
SHE, also referred to as BRAHMAN in the Vedas and Upanishads are ONE AND THE SAME and the ONLY reality.
Then the sentences
BRAHMAN Satyam, Jagat Mitya
don't remain just-a-theory anymore. It becomes YOUR practical TRUTH.
In Tantra/Srividya, ONE realizes this after receiving HER 16 letter Maha Sodasi Mantra. On SELF realization, when YOU = HER, ONE also realizes that the SELF alone exists and ONE is immortal. Hence it is said that SHE - Lalitha Tripura Sundari is eternally 16 years old. This sentence is symbolic.
When one begins Srividya Upasana, one initially prays to HER form in a temple/HER Yantra/by chanting HER mantras etc. When one's spiritual journey progresses, upon poornabishekam and with HER WILL ALONE, one receives HER Maha Sodasi Mantra and graduates-from-the-school-of-Srividya. Again, when SHE chooses to reveal HERSELF, one finds HER.....And where is SHE hiding??....Where else but safely within yourSELF. When SHE reveals HERSELF as YOU, when ONE realizes the SELF, ONE also realizes that the SELF in me = the SELF in person "X" = the SELF in person "Y" etc.
SHE, also referred to as BRAHMAN in the Vedas and Upanishads are ONE AND THE SAME and the ONLY reality.
Then the sentences
BRAHMAN Satyam, Jagat Mitya
don't remain just-a-theory anymore. It becomes YOUR practical TRUTH.
In Tantra/Srividya, ONE realizes this after receiving HER 16 letter Maha Sodasi Mantra. On SELF realization, when YOU = HER, ONE also realizes that the SELF alone exists and ONE is immortal. Hence it is said that SHE - Lalitha Tripura Sundari is eternally 16 years old. This sentence is symbolic.
On SELF realization, ONE also realizes that there is no such thing as birth and death. Moksha (freedom from birth and death) itself is an illusion.
Hence it is said in Tantra that for a person to be initiated properly into Tantra it must be his/her last incarnation on earth. This sentence is symbolic too.
Hence it is said in Tantra that for a person to be initiated properly into Tantra it must be his/her last incarnation on earth. This sentence is symbolic too.
2. What happens when an upasaka puts two-and-two together?
S/he realizes that it is all ONE.3. Who/which is more important, the INNER GURU or the Outer Guru?
As long as the form of the Outer Guru remains (i.e as long as the outer Guru is alive), it is
ALWAYS THE OUTER GURU. Why? Because there is always a slight chance that it could
perhaps be ego that is disguised as the INNER GURU in oneself but the words of the "form of the
outer Guru" can never be uttered in vain.
4. Just-for-fun game: The other day, SHE played a just-for-fun game
SHE: Mathematics may not agree but 16 = 78. Prove it.
ME: That’s easy Lalithamba…. YOU (Lalitha Tripura Sundari) = Guruji (Guruji Amritananda of
Devipuram). Hence 16 = 78.ME: That’s easy Lalithamba…. YOU (Lalitha Tripura Sundari) = Guruji (Guruji Amritananda of
Before I could tell HER that these days, people don’t live that long
SHE: Perhaps humans don’t but other forms of life do. (Continues) 200 = 300 = 400 = 1000 = Infinity
Before I could ask HER what forms of life live that long
SHE: The Gods, perhaps a few thousands of years.. Brahma, Vishnu & Siva perhaps a few crores of
years. The SELF, forever. This is Advaita, simplified for you.
Share it, SHE said.
And so, I did.
5. Why don't I remember any of the works/words of Adi Shankaracharya? Why is it that I
don't understand the language of Sanskrit?
“Why else, do you think?" SHE asks me back. As I contemplate further, I realize the answer. It is so
because I chose it to be this way. I threw away the knowledge, along with the language that could
not do justice to HER form - women. Adi Shankaraacharya, who so devotedly sang HER praise in
Soundarya Lahari, in His role as a sanyasin could not lead women to salvation. Just so women
don’t use the “lack of theoretical knowledge/Sanskrit” as an excuse, I threw away the theoretical
knowledge and the language of Sanskrit as proof that all that is needed is self effort and HER grace.
Salvation/liberation is indeed possible for women too. I still choose to “not access” the theoretical
knowledge/Sanskrit that lies dormant in ME. If/when the time comes, SHE will remind ME about it.
“Go on” SHE says.
The last few months, my instincts have lead me to read some of the sacred writings of Judaism, Islam
and Christianity and what a treasure house of wisdom lies in those writings. I realized that all of those
religions too talk about BRAHMAN, though in their own words. There is absolutely no difference
between Allah, Christ and BRAHMAN. It is all ONE and the same. And in this role as “Priya”,
inorder to establish the unbiased unity of all religions, English is the language that is needed.
6. BRAHMAN, why am I such a tubelight*? It is just now that I have grasped the wider
purpose of MY birth. (* Note: The term “tubelight” denotes a person who takes a while to
catch-on. Have you observed that when a tubelight is switched on, it briefly flickers and then
glows brightly? )
Wrong question BRAHMAN. The correct sentence should be “BRAHMAN, I am LIGHT”.
7. BRAHMAN, all that I wanted was YOU. I want nothing else.
And that's all YOU got. Nothing more, nothing less.
Hmm, why do I have a "feeling" that it is not as simple as that? I know why - because YOU gave
the "feeling" BRAHMAN.
8. I am Brahma, I am Vishnu, I am Shiva – Aham Brahmasmi
I am responsible for the thoughts that arise in me (Brahma). I sustain those thoughts either by
repeatedly thinking about it or dwelling in it (Vishnu) and I alone can destroy/end those thoughts
(Shiva). When one practically experiences this truth, then one realizes that this “I” is BRAHMAN, the
SELF - Aham Brahmasmi (I AM BRAHMAN)
9. Ayam Brahmasmi (All THAT is BRAHMAN)
Similar to sentence #8 above, when someone says "something about me", one is NOT talking about
"ME". One is talking about a character called "Priya" that was/is created and sustained in one's mind by
oneself. Though this character “Priya” may have been created based on a few substantial cues from
me, the significant contribution to the creation of this character was/is from that person's own mental
conditioning. So this character “Priya” need not even be similar to me! It is a totally different being
compared to me and exists/lives only in the mind of that person! It is the SELF (BRAHMAN) in that
person who is responsible for the creation, sustenance and end of the character called “Priya” – Ayam
Brahmasmi (All that too is BRAHMAN’s doing).
7. BRAHMAN, all that I wanted was YOU. I want nothing else.
And that's all YOU got. Nothing more, nothing less.
Hmm, why do I have a "feeling" that it is not as simple as that? I know why - because YOU gave
the "feeling" BRAHMAN.
8. I am Brahma, I am Vishnu, I am Shiva – Aham Brahmasmi
I am responsible for the thoughts that arise in me (Brahma). I sustain those thoughts either by
repeatedly thinking about it or dwelling in it (Vishnu) and I alone can destroy/end those thoughts
(Shiva). When one practically experiences this truth, then one realizes that this “I” is BRAHMAN, the
SELF - Aham Brahmasmi (I AM BRAHMAN)
9. Ayam Brahmasmi (All THAT is BRAHMAN)
Similar to sentence #8 above, when someone says "something about me", one is NOT talking about
"ME". One is talking about a character called "Priya" that was/is created and sustained in one's mind by
oneself. Though this character “Priya” may have been created based on a few substantial cues from
me, the significant contribution to the creation of this character was/is from that person's own mental
conditioning. So this character “Priya” need not even be similar to me! It is a totally different being
compared to me and exists/lives only in the mind of that person! It is the SELF (BRAHMAN) in that
person who is responsible for the creation, sustenance and end of the character called “Priya” – Ayam
Brahmasmi (All that too is BRAHMAN’s doing).